Lectures & webinars
Discussions on REMA: Splitting the wholesale market
Following on from their first REMA seminar in May where Locational Marginal Pricing (LMP) was discussed, BIEE held a second seminar on Tuesday 26 September to discuss another of...
Indian lecture tour
It seems fitting to launch this website against the background of a brief Indian lecture tour and engagements: fitting for three reasons, last offering a broad window into a...
The IPCC Mitigation Assessment – key insights
This event, held on 5th April the day after the publication of the IPCC Sixth Assessment of Climate Change Mitigation, offered an opportunity to learn about the key findings and...
EEIST: Transformative Energy Innovation Dialogues, COP26 Discussion
Launch of the 2021 EEIST flagship report: The New Economics of Innovation and Transition, including case study examples of transformative energy policy initiatives from Brazil,...
Innovation for Planetary Health: Energy Transition and the Next Industrial Revolution
Innovation in technologies and systems is critical to addressing planetary health challenges. But what can be done to ensure that innovation systems respond effectively with...
Inaugural Lecture: Energy, Europe and the Economics of Innovation
Energy was at the heart of the industrial revolution and oil and electricity helped to shape the 20th Century. Innovation is increasingly recognised as crucial to modern...