Michael Grubb


All Themes
All Themes
The Big Picture and Special Topics
Energy Innovation
Electricity Markets and Renewables
Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry
International Processes
Climate Finance and Investment
Regional (e.g. EU, Asia) Studies
All Years
All Years
All Types
All Types
Journal Publications
Magazine & Opinion
Working Papers
Working Paper

Regulatory Impact Assessment in an era of energy transition: insights from the UK experience

2024, UCL ISR
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics
Working Paper

Generating surplus: the challenges and opportunities of large-scale renewables deployment

2024, UCL ISR
Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables
Journal Article

Harnessing oil and gas superprofits for climate action

2024, Climate Policy
Themes: Climate Finance and Investment
Publications on climate finance here largely comprise work conducted by or with our Institutes’ Climate Finance team, led by Professor Nadia Ameli, and the associated LINKS project on tracing climate investments
Research Report

Activating Positive Financial Tipping Points for Zero-Carbon Investments in Lower-Income Countries: A Twin-Track Approach Catalysed with International Guarantees

2024, G20 Brasil 2024
Themes: Climate Finance and Investment
Journal Article

The challenge of phasing-out fossil fuel finance in the banking sector

2024, Nature Communications
Themes: Climate Finance and Investment
Journal Article

Dynamic Determinants of Optimal Global Climate Policy

2024, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics
Themes: Energy Innovation and Transitions
Research Report

Energy Technologies for Low-Carbon Development in Middle-Income Countries: Assessment and Implications

2024, World Bank
Themes: Energy Innovation and Transitions | International Processes
Working Paper

Dynamics of the Energy Transition: Innovation, Transition Economics, Path Dependency, and Decision Making

2024, World Bank
Themes: Energy Innovation and Transitions
Journal Article

“Minus 1” and energy costs constants: Empirical evidence, theory and policy implications

2024, Structural Change and Energy Dynamics
Themes: Energy Innovation and Transitions | Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry
Journal Article

The use of decision making under deep uncertainty in the IPCC

2024, Frontiers in Climate
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics
Journal Article

Modelling induced innovation for the low-carbon energy transition: a menu of options

2024, Environmental Research Letters
Themes: Energy Innovation and Transitions
Journal Article

The role of natural gas in setting electricity prices in Europe

2023, Energy Reports

Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables | The Big Picture and Special Topics
The theme ‘Electricity Markets and Renewables’ covers a programme of work primarily on UK electricity, growing particularly over the decade since I joined UCL in 2014, and drawing on my experience as senior advisor to the UK energy regular Ofgem. Building upon work with Aldersgate Group, in 2022 we launched a series: Navigating the Energy-Climate Crises, including research which led to the launch of our new business-funded Centre for Net Zero Market Design in September 2024.
Online Publication

The UK Carbon Trust Publications (Summary PDF)

2003-2020, The Carbon Trust
Themes: Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry | Regional Studies
Journal Article

Policy complementarity and the paradox of carbon pricing

2023, Oxford Review of Economic Policy
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics | Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry | Energy Innovation and Transitions
Research Report

The Case for a Social Tariff: Reducing Bills and Emissions, and Delivering for the Fuel Poor

2023, Aldersgate Group – UCL

Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables | Regional Studies
Journal Article

Three decades of mitigation policy: what has it delivered?

2023, Annual Review of Environment and Resources

Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics | Regional Studies | Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry

Electricity (re) Design and ‘Split Markets’ Part 2

2023, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies

Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables | Regional Studies

Electricity (re) Design and ‘Split Markets’ Part 1

2023, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies

Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables | Regional Studies
Working Paper

Where does the money go? An analysis of revenues in the GB power sector during the energy crisis

2023, UCL ISR

Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables | Regional Studies | Climate Finance and Investment
Online Publication

Disentangling the debate on electricity market (re)design and ‘split markets’

2023, Oxford Energy Forum
Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables | Regional Studies
Research Report

A zero-carbon power grid and the electrification of heavy industry: how to deliver on a twin challenge

2023, Aldersgate Group and UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources
Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables | Regional Studies
Stakeholder Report

Some implications of innovation and transition dynamics for the first UNFCCC Global Stocktake

2023, UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources for UNFCCC
Themes: International Processes | Energy Innovation and Transitions

Lessons and principles for policymaking

2022, Presentation to National Institute of Advanced Sciences (NIAS), IISc Campus Bangalore
Themes: Energy Innovation and Transitions | Electricity Markets and Renewables

Planetary Economics and the challenge of climate change

2022, Grantham Lecture, Divecha Centre on Climate Change, Bangalore
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics
Working Paper

Separating electricity from gas prices through Green Power Pools: Design options and evolutionSeparating electricity from gas prices through Green Power Pools: Design options and evolution

2022, UCL ISR
Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables
Journal Article

Carbon Leakage, Consumption, and Trade

2022, Annual Review of Environment and Resources
Themes: Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry
Working Paper

Navigating the crises in European energy: Price Inflation, Marginal Cost Pricing, and principles for electricity market redesign in an era of low-carbon transition

2022, UCL ISR
Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables
Working Paper

The Role of Natural Gas in Electricity Prices in Europe

2022, UCL ISR
Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables | Regional Studies
Journal Article

Allocation, allocation, allocation! The political economy of the development of the European Union Emissions

2022, WIRES Interdisciplinary review
Themes: Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry | Regional Studies
Research Report

IPCC Sixth Assessment Report – Mitigation: Introduction and FramingIPCC Sixth Assessment Report – Mitigation: Introduction and Framing

2022, IPCC
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics
Working Paper

Interactions of time and technology as critical determinants of optimal climate change policy

2022, SSRN
Themes: Energy Innovation and Transitions
Online Publication

An energy revolution is possible – but only if leaders get imaginative about how to drive it

2022, The Conversation
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics
Online Publication

Renewables are cheaper than ever – so why are household energy bills only going up?

2022, The Conversation
Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables
Research Report

The New Economics of Innovation and Transition: Evaluating Opportunities and RisksThe New Economics of Innovation and Transition: Evaluating Opportunities and Risks

2022, EEIST
Themes: Energy Innovation and Transitions
Journal Article

Energy Efficiency: What Has Research Delivered in the Last 40 Years?

2021, Annual Review of Environment and Resources
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics | Energy Innovation and Transitions
Journal Article

How Are Future Energy Technology Costs Estimated? Can We Do Better?

2021, International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics
Themes: Energy Innovation and Transitions
Journal Article

Towards Net Zero in UK manufacturing Options and challenges for the biggest emitting sectorsTowards Net Zero in UK manufacturing Options and challenges for the biggest emitting sectors

2021, UCL ISR
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics | Regional Studies | Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry
Journal Article

Countries with sustained greenhouse gas emissions reductions: an analysis of trends and progress by sector

2021, Climate Policy
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics
Journal Article

The misplaced expectations from climate disclosure initiatives

2021, Nature Climate Change
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics | Climate Finance and Investment
Journal Article

Higher cost of finance exacerbates a climate investment trap in developing economies

2021, Nature Communications
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics | Electricity Markets and Renewables | Climate Finance and Investment
Stakeholder Report

Delivering competitive industrial electricity prices in an era of transition Delivering competitive industrial electricity prices in an era of transition

2021, Aldersgate
Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables | Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry
Online Publication

Why the low carbon transition may be much cheaper than models predict

2021, Carbon Brief
Themes: Energy Innovation and Transitions
Stakeholder Report

Shape and pace of change in the transport transitionShape and pace of change in the transport transition

2021, We Mean Business
Themes: Energy Innovation and Transitions
Journal Article

Induced innovation in energy technologies and systems: a systematic review of evidence and potential implications for CO2 mitigation

2021, Environmental Research Letters
Themes: Energy Innovation and Transitions
Journal Article

Modeling Myths: On DICE and dynamic realism in integrated assessment models of climate change mitigation

2021, WIRES: Climate Change
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics
Journal Article

Risk-opportunity analysis for transformative policy design and appraisal

2021, Global Environmental Change
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics
Stakeholder report

Shape and Pace of Change in the Electricity Transition: Sectoral dynamics and indicators of progress

2020, We Mean Business
Themes: Energy Innovation and Transitions | Electricity Markets and Renewables
Stakeholder report

Policy, innovation and cost reduction in UK offshore wind

2020, Carbon Trust
Themes: Energy Innovation and Transitions | Electricity Markets and Renewables
Online publication

Why a deal on energy could break the Brexit logjam

Themes: Regional Studies | International Processes
Stakeholder Report

From Adolescence to Market Maturity? Renewables

2020, Bright Blue
Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables
Magazine Article

Oil: we have entered a new world and there is no way back

2020, Prospect
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics
Journal Article

Consumption-oriented policy instruments for fostering greenhouse gas mitigation

2020, Climate Policy
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics | Regional Studies
Working Paper

Modeling Myths of Climate Change

2020, Institute for New Economic Thinking
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics | Energy Innovation and Transitions
Working Paper

Modeling Myths: On the Need for Dynamic Realism in DICE and other Equilibrium Models of Global Climate Mitigation

2020, Institute for New Economic Thinking
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics | Energy Innovation and Transitions
Journal article

Climate finance and disclosure for institutional investors: why transparency is not enough

2019, Climatic Change
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics | Climate Finance and Investment
Journal article

Beyond peak emission transfers: historical impacts of globalization and future impacts of climate policies on international emission transfers

2019, Climate Policy
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics | International Processes
Journal article

The structure, drivers and policy implications of the European carbon footprint

2019, Climate Policy
Themes: Regional Studies

“European climate policy isnt weak” – Supporting Data

2019, UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources
Themes: Regional Studies
Online Publication

Brexit Is About Sovereignty, Stupid – Now We Have Six Months Left To Understand What That Really Means

2019, Huffington Post
Themes: Regional Studies
Online Publication

Its about Sovereignty Stupid – which is why we need a long extension

2019, UCL European Institute
Themes: Regional Studies
Online Publication

The Brexit Crisis: what should we do?

2019, Huffington Post
Themes: Regional Studies
Working paper

Conditional Optimism: Economic Perspectives on Deep Decarbonisation

2018, Institute for New Economic Thinking
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics | Energy Innovation and Transitions

Innovation for Planetary Health: Energy Transition and the Next Industrial Revolution

2018, Oxford Martin School
Themes: Energy Innovation and Transitions
Online Publication

Forget Punishment: The Brexit Deal Needs To Carve Out Sectors Of Exceptional Common Interest

2018, Huffington Post
Themes: Regional Studies
Journal Article

UK Electricity Market Reform and the Energy Transition: Emerging Lessons

2018, Energy Journal
Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables
Working paper

Reforming Electricity Markets for the Transition: Emerging Lessons from the UK’s Bold Experiment

2018, MIT Centre for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, Cambridge Energy Policy Research Group
Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables | Regional Studies
Research report

An exploration of energy cost, ranges, limits and adjustment process

2018, UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics
Journal Article

China’s emissions trading takes steps towards big ambitions

2018, Nature Climate Change
Themes: Regional Studies | Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry
Working Paper

Systems Innovation, Inertia and Pliability:  A mathematical exploration with implications for climate change abatement

2018, Cambridge Energy Policy Research Group
Themes: Energy Innovation and Transitions

Reply to ‘Interpretations of the Paris climate target’

2018, Nature Geoscience
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics | International Processes

Inaugural Lecture: Energy, Europe and the Economics of Innovation

2018, UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources
Themes: Energy Innovation and Transitions | Regional Studies
Research Report

UK Industrial Electricity Prices: Competitiveness in a low carbon world

2018, UCL and Aldersgate
Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables
Online Publication

We’re climate researchers and our work was turned into fake news

2018, The Conversation
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics
Journal Article

On order and complexity in innovations systems: Conceptual frameworks for policy mixes in sustainability transitions

2017, Energy Research and Social Sciences
Themes: Energy Innovation and Transitions
Journal Article

Emission budgets and pathways consistent with limiting warming to 1.5 C

2017, Nature Geosciences
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics | International Processes
Official Report

Final Report on National Grid’s Electricity Capacity Report

2017, UK Government
Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables
Online publication

Energizing European Recovery – the European Energy Union

Themes: Regional Studies

Energy: Scanning the energy horizon

2017, Nature
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics

Full legal compliance with the Kyoto Protocol’s first commitment period – some lessons

2016, Climate Policy
Themes: International Processes

One farewell and many welcomes

2016, Climate Policy
Themes: International Processes

Brexit and Energy: cost, security and climate policy implications

2016, UCL European Institute
Themes: Regional Studies
Working Paper

Carbon decoupling? Carbon emissions and economic growth – production vs consumption-based evidence

2016, Institute for New Economic Thinking
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics
Working Paper

Carbon Market Clubs and the New Paris Regime

2016, Climate Strategies
Themes: International Processes | Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry
Newspaper Article

For a Clean, Secure Energy Future the UK must stay part of Europe’s vision

2016, The Guardian
Themes: Regional Studies
Online publication

Kyoto Protocol countries achieved full compliance with targets

2016, Climate Strategies
Themes: International Processes
Online publication

What next for building an EU Energy Union?

2016, Climate Strategies
Themes: Regional Studies

Hinkley Point C and other third-generation nuclear in the context of the UK’s future energy system

2016, UCL Institute of Sustainable Resources and European Institute
Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables
Newspaper Article

May is right to review Hinkley Point contract

2016, Financial Times
Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables
Online publication

The Brexit Paradoxes

2016, Social Europe
Themes: Regional Studies

The costs and benefits of EU energy and climate policy

2016, UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources and European Institute
Themes: Regional Studies
Journal Article

The Value of Interconnectors

2016, Cornwall Energy Spectrum
Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables
Online publication

Why it’s wrong to label the Kyoto Protocol a disaster

2016, Carbon Connect
Themes: International Processes
Official publication

On the Distinguishing Features of Energy Systems and Innovation. Submission to Competition and Markets Authority.

2015, UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics | Electricity Markets and Renewables | Regional Studies
Online publication

UK energy policy: rationalisation or politicisation?

2015, UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics | Electricity Markets and Renewables | Regional Studies
Journal Article

A review of Chinese CO2 emission projections to 2030: the role of economic structure and policy

2015, Climate Policy
Themes: Regional Studies | Energy Innovation and Transitions

From Lima to Paris, Part 1: The Lima Hangover

2015, Climate Policy
Themes: International Processes

From Lima to Paris, Part 2: Injecting Ambition

2015, Climate Policy
Themes: International Processes
Research Report

Health and climate change: policy response to protect public health

2015, The Lancet Commissions
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics

Strengthening Strategic and Sustainability Considerations in Regulatory Decision-making: A Case Study from the GB Regulator

2015, International Confederation of Energy Regulators
Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables | Energy Innovation and Transitions
Research Report

UK Energy Policy – Politicisation or Rationalisation

2015, UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics | Electricity Markets and Renewables | Regional Studies
Journal Article

Security of Supply, the Role of Interconnectors and Option Values : insights from the GB Capacity Auction

2015, Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy
Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables

Planetary Economics: Highlights from the book

2015, Climate Strategies
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics
Magazine article

Energy policy in a spin

2015, New Scientist
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics
Book Review

Climate economics: The high road (Review of Nick Stern, “Why Are We Waiting?: The Logic, Urgency, and Promise of Tackling Climate Change)

2015, Nature
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics
Journal Article

The ’Dark Matter’ in the Search for Sustainable Growth: Energy, Innovation and the Financially Paradoxical Role of Climate Confidence

2015, Finance and the Macroeconomics of Environmental Policies
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics | Energy Innovation and Transitions
Journal Article

The Three Domains structure of energy-climate transitions

2015, Technology Forecasting and Social Change
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics
Official Publication

The Resilience of Electricity Infrastructure. A testimony for The House of Lords.

2015, UCL Institute of Sustainable Resources
Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables | Regional Studies

Climate policy: a new era

2014, Climate Policy
Themes: International Processes
Book Chapter

From Theory to Practice: Climate policy and political feasibility.
In T. Barker, D. Crawford-Brown (Eds.), Decarbonising the World’s Economy.

2014, World Scientific Publishing
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics | Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry

Planetary Economics: Energy, Climate Change and the Three Domains of Sustainable Development.

2014, Routledge
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics
Journal Article

The effects and side-effects of the EU emissions trading scheme

2014, WIRES: Climate Change
Themes: Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry | Regional Studies

Doha’s dawn?

2013, Climate Policy
Themes: International Processes
Working Paper

Assessing the effectiveness of the EU Emissions Trading System

2013, London School of Economics
Themes: Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry | Regional Studies
Working Paper

A Response to the EU Commission Paper “A 2030 Framework for Climate and Energy Policies”

2013, Climate Strategies
Themes: Regional Studies
Stakeholder Report

No country is an energy island – securing investment for the EU’s future

2013, House of Lords
Themes: Regional Studies
Newspaper Article

The key facts on energy prices

2013, Financial Times
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics
Research Report

Analyses of the effectiveness of trading in EU-ETS

2012, Climate Strategies
Themes: Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry | Regional Studies
Stakeholder Report

Addressing strategic and sustainability considerations in the regulated energy sector

2012, Ofgem
Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables

Renewable energy and decarbonisation: Opportunities and the risks of politicisation

2012, Chatham House
Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables | Energy Innovation and Transitions

Carbon pricing after Copenhagen: an updated assessment

2012, Climate Strategies
Themes: Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry | International Processes
Stakeholder Report

Strengthening the EU ETS: creating a stable platform for energy sector investment

2012, Climate Strategies
Themes: Regional Studies | Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry

Emissions trading: Cap and trade finds new energy

2012, Nature
Themes: Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry | International Processes

Cancun: the art of the possible

2011, Climate Policy
Themes: International Processes

Durban: the darkest hour?

2011, Climate Policy
Themes: International Processes
Journal Article

International climate finance from border carbon cost levelling

2011, Climate Policy
Themes: International Processes | Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry
Research Report

Revenue dimension of the EU ETS Phase III

2011, Climate Strategies
Themes: Regional Studies | Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry
Journal Article

Global carbon mechanisms: lessons and implications

2011, Climatic Change
Themes: International Processes | Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry

Revenues Accrued in Phase III of the EU ETS

2011, Climate Strategies
Themes: Regional Studies | Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry
Stakeholder Report

Ten insights from the EU Emissions Trading Scheme – With Reference to Carbon Pricing in Australia

2011, Climate Strategies
Themes: Regional Studies | Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry

Copenhagen: back to the future?

2010, Climate Policy
Themes: International Processes
Book Review

Lessons in carbon trading

2010, Nature
Themes: Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry | Regional Studies
Book Forward

Generating Electricity in a Carbon-Constrained World

2010, Academic Press
Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables

Linking emissions trading schemes

2009, Climate Policy
Themes: Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry
Journal Article

Climate Innovation Centres: A partnership approach to meeting energy and climate challenges

2009, Natural Resources Forum
Themes: Energy Innovation and Transitions
Stakeholder Report

Climate Policy and Industrial Competitiveness: Ten Insights from Europe on the EU Emissions Trading System

2009, Climate Strategies
Themes: Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry
Research Report

Comparability of Effort by Annex I Parties: an overview of issues

2009, Climate Strategies
Themes: International Processes
Research Report

Global Carbon Mechanisms Annex II: Emissions and demand projections to 2020

2009, Climate Strategies
Themes: Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry | International Processes

Reinforcing carbon markets under uncertainty

2009, Climate Strategies
Themes: Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry
Stakeholder Report

Ten (plus one) insights from the EU Emissions Trading Scheme: with reference to emerging systems in Asia

2009, Climate Strategies
Themes: Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry | Regional Studies
Journal Article

Plugging the gap in energy efficiency policies: the emergence of
the UK ‘carbon reduction commitment’

2009, European Review of Energy Markets
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics | Regional Studies
Stakeholder Report

Climate Policy and Industrial Competitiveness: Ten Insights from Europe on the EU Emissions Trading System

2009, The German Marshall Fund of the United States, Transatlantic Climate Bridge, Climate Strategies, Carbon Trust
Themes: Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry | Regional Studies

Remembering Bernhard Schlamadinger, 1967–2008

2008, Climate Policy
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics

The Bali COP: Plus ça change…

2008, Climate Policy
Themes: International Processes
Research Report

Climate Change: Technology Development and Technology Transfer

2008, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Themes: International Processes | Energy Innovation and Transitions

Delivering a Low Carbon Electricity System: Technologies, Economics and Policy

2008, Cambridge University Press
Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables | Energy Innovation and Transitions
Stakeholder Report

Energy and Climate: Opportunities for the G-8

2008, Climate Strategies
Themes: International Processes


2007, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics
Research Report

Climate Change Impacts, Energy, and Development

2007, World Bank Conference on Development Economics – Rethinking Infrastructure for Development
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics
Stakeholder Report

Summary for Policymakers. Climate Change 2007: Mitigation. Contribution of Working Group III to the 4th Assessment Report of the IPCC

2007, IPCC
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics
Book Chapter

Mitigation from a cross-sectoral perspective

2007, IPCC
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics
Research Report

Differentiation and dynamics of EU ETS industrial competitiveness impacts: Final Report

2007, Climate Strategies
Themes: Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry | Regional Studies
Journal Article

The European Emissions Trading Scheme: An Overview of Operations and Lessons

2007, CES IFO
Summary After a decade of struggle during the 1990s, dur- ing which the European Union sought to intro- duce a carbon tax as a principal means of tackling climate change, a sudden change of approach pro- duced a radical breakthrough in attempts to intro- duce a carbon price in Europe. Considerations of subsidiarity, legal and institutional structures, and the inherent political difficulties of the large-scale revenue transfers embodied in a carbon tax com- bined to make emissions trading – long proposed by the US Clinton Administration – more practical. After the EU’s turnabout on this issue, it took just three years – fast by the standards of European leg- islative development – to move from concept to a completed EU Directive on Emissions Trading. This article looks at its key features, experience to date, lessons and prospects.[\read]

Themes: Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry | Regional Studies
Review Article

Allocation and Competitiveness in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme: Policy Overview

2006, Climate Policy


Themes: Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry | Regional Studies
Journal Article

Auctioning of EU ETS phase II allowances: how and why?

2006, Climate Policy
Themes: Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry | Regional Studies
Research Report

Climate Change Impacts, Energy, and Development

2006, Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE)
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics

COP/MOP-1 and COP-11: a breakthrough for the climate change regime?

2006, Climate Policy
Themes: International Processes
Journal Article

Emission projections 2008–2012 versus national allocation plans II

2006, Climate Policy
Themes: Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry | Regional Studies

False confidences: forecasting errors and emission caps in CO2 trading systems

2006, Climate Policy
Themes: Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry | Regional Studies
Journal Article

Implications of announced phase II national allocation plans for the EU ETS

2006, Climate Policy
Themes: Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry | Regional Studies

National allocation plans in the EU emissions trading scheme – Preface

2006, Climate Policy
Themes: Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry | Regional Studies

The economics of climate damages and stabilization after the Stern Review

2006, Climate Policy
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics
Journal Article

The impact of CO2 emissions trading on firm profits and market prices

2006, Climate Policy
Themes: Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry | Regional Studies
Journal Article

Induced Technological Change: Exploring its Implications for the Economics of Atmospheric Stabilization

2006, The Energy Journal
Summary This paper summarizes results from ten global economy-energy-environment models implementing mechanisms of endogenous technological change (ETC). Climate policy goals represented as different CO2 stabilization levels are imposed, and the contribution of induced technological change (ITC) to meeting the goals is assessed. Findings indicate that climate policy induces additional technological change, in some models substantially. Its effect is a reduction of abatement costs in all participating models. The majority of models calculate abatement costs below 1 percent of present value aggregate gross world product for the period 2000-2100. The models predict different dynamics for rising carbon costs, with some showing a decline in carbon costs towards the end of the century. There are a number of reasons for differences in results between models; however four major drivers of differences are identified. First, the extent of the necessary CO2 reduction which depends mainly on predicted baseline emissions, determines how much a model is challenged to comply with climate policy. Second, when climate policy can offset market distortions, some models show that not costs but benefits accrue from climate policy. Third, assumptions about long-term investment behavior, e.g. foresight of actors and number of available investment options, exert a major influence. Finally, whether and how options for carbon-free energy are implemented (backstop and end-of-the-pipe technologies) strongly affects both the mitigation strategy and the abatement costs./read]

Themes: Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry | Regional Studies
Review Article

Technological Change for Atmospheric Stabilization: Introductory Overview to the Innovation Modeling Comparison Project

2006, Energy Journal
Themes: Energy Innovation and Transitions
Journal Article

Diversity and security in UK electricity generation: The influence of low-carbon objectives

2006, Energy Policy


Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables
Review Article

The Transition to Endogenous Technical Change in Climate-Economy Models: A Technical Overview to the Innovation Modeling Comparison Project

2006, Energy Journal
Themes: Energy Innovation and Transitions
Meeting Report

The G8 Gleneagles Summit 6–8 July 2005

2005, Climate Policy
Themes: International Processes

Allowance allocation in the European emissions trading system: a commentary

2005, Climate Policy
Themes: Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry | Regional Studies
Research Report

Social Cost of Carbon: A Closer Look at Uncertainty

2005, Stockholm Environmental Institute
Themes: Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry | Regional Studies

The superpowers decide – on opposite directions

2004, Climate Policy
Themes: International Processes
Journal Article

Kyoto and the Future of International Climate Change Responses: From Here to Where

2004, International Review for Environmental Strategies
Themes: International Processes
Book Chapter

The economics of the Kyoto Protocol

2004, Routledge
Themes: International Processes
Book Review

Power to the People

2004, Nature
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics
Journal Article

Technology Innovation and Climate Change Policy: an overview of issues and options

2004, Keio Economic Studies
Themes: Energy Innovation and Transitions
Journal Article

The Costs of Limiting Fossil-Fuel CO2 Emissions: A Survey and Analysis

2003, Annual Review of Energy and the Environment
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics
Book Review

Building sustainable energy systems: the Swedish experience

2003, Climate Policy
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics

Global Frameworks, Grounded Actions

2003, Climate Policy
Themes: International Processes
Journal Article

Quantifying the UK’s incentives for low carbon investment

2003, Climate Policy
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics

Special Supplement on Climate Change and Sustainable Development

2003, Climate Policy
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics

Special Supplement on Defining and Trading Emission Targets

2003, Climate Policy
Themes: Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry
Meeting Report

The Moscow World Conference on Climate Change,
Moscow, 30 Sept – 3 Oct 2003

2003, Climate Policy
Themes: International Processes
Journal Article

The Economics of the Kyoto Protocol

2003, World Economics
Themes: International Processes
Journal Article

Induced Technical Change in Energy and Environmental Modeling: Analytic Approaches and Policy Implications

2002, Annual Review of Energy and the Environment
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics
Journal Article

Climatic Implications of the Kyoto Protocol: The Contribution of International Spillover

2002, Climatic Change
Themes: International Processes | Energy Innovation and Transitions
Journal Article

Energy, the Environment, and Innovation

2002, Oxford Review of Economic Policy
Themes: Energy Innovation and Transitions

A new phase for Climate Policy

2002, Climate Policy
Themes: International Processes

Carbon sinks and the CDM: could a bioenergy linkage offer a constructive compromise?

2001, Climate Policy
Themes: International Processes

Hold tight at The Hague

2001, Climate Policy
Themes: International Processes

Editorial – US rejection of the Kyoto Protocol

2001, Climate Policy
Themes: International Processes
Meeting Report

Quantifying Kyoto—workshop summary

2001, Climate Policy
Themes: International Processes

The Seven Myths of Kyoto

2001, Climate Policy
Themes: International Processes
Journal Article

Capping the Cost of Compliance with the Kyoto Protocol and Recycling Revenues into Land-Use Projects

2001, The Scientific World Journal
Themes: International Processes

Welcome to Climate Policy

2001, Climate Policy
Themes: International Processes
Journal Article

Climatic Collapse at The Hague: What Happened, Why, and Where Do We Go From Here?

2001, International Affairs
Themes: International Processes
Book Review

Relying on Manna from Heaven?

2001, Science
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics

Cold shower in a hot climate: Climate change responses on the knife-edge

2001, Energy Policy
Themes: International Processes
Book Review

A constructive scheme unravelled? A review of “The collapse of the Kyoto Protocol and the struggle to slow global warming” by D. Victor

2001, Nature
Themes: International Processes | Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry
Journal Article

Who’s afraid of atmospheric stabilisation? Making the link between energy resources and climate change

2001, Energy Policy
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics

Greenhouse emissions and the changing climate

2000, BMJ Clinical Research
Themes: International Processes
Book Chapter

Financing and Partnerships for Technology Transfers

2000, IPCC
Themes: Energy Innovation and Transitions
Book Chapter

The evolution of European energy policy

2000, Council for Asia-Europe Cooperation
Themes: Energy Innovation and Transitions
Journal Article

The Kyoto Protocol: An Economic Appraisal

2000, SSRN
Themes: International Processes
Journal Article

Economic dimensions of technological and global responses to the Kyoto protocol

2000, Journal of Economic Studies
Themes: International Processes

Climate Change and European Leadership: A Sustainable Role for Europe?

2000, Springer
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics | Regional Studies
Journal Article

On the rebound? Feedback between energy intensities and energy uses in IEA countries

2000, Energy Policy
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics

The Kyoto protocol: A Guide and Assessment

1999, Royal Institute of International Affairs
Themes: International Processes | Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry
Journal Article

International Emissions Trading under the Kyoto Protocol: Core Issues in Implementation

1998, Review of European Community and International Environmental Law
Themes: International Processes | Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry
Journal Article

Technologies, energy systems and the timing of CO2 emissions abatement: An overview of economic issues

1997, Energy Policy
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics | Energy Innovation and Transitions
Journal Article

Influence of socioeconomic inertia and uncertainty on optimal CO2-emission abatement

1997, Nature
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics | Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry

Renewable Energy Strategies for Europe: Electricity Systems and Primary Electricity Sources: 2

1996, The Royal Institute of Economic Affairs
Themes: Energy Markets and Renewables | Regional Studies

Renewable Energy Strategies for Europe: Foundations and Context: 1

1996, The Royal Institute of Economic Affairs
Themes: Energy Markets and Renewables | Regional Studies
Book Chapter

Decision-making frameworks for addressing climate change

1995, IPCC
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics
Book Chapter

Asymmetrical Price Elasticities of Energy Demand. In: Global Warming and Energy Demand

1995, Global Environmental Change Programme
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics
Journal Article

Seeking fair weather: ethics and the international debate on climate change

1995, International Affairs
Themes: International Processes
Book Chapter

European Climate Change Policy in a Global Context

1995, Green Globe Yearbook of International Co -operation on Environment and Development
Themes: International Processes | Regional Studies
Journal Article

The economics of changing course: Implications of adaptability and inertia for optimal climate policy

1995, Energy Policy
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics | Energy Innovation and Transitions
Book Chapter

The economics of changing course: Implications of adaptability and inertia for optimal climate policy

1995, Energy Policy
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics | Energy Innovation and Transitions
Journal Article

Renewable energy strategies for Europe

1994, Renewable Energy
Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables | Regional Studies
Journal Article

Tradeable permits and the comprehensive approach to climate change: can we get the best of both worlds

1993, Natural Resources Forum
Themes: International Processes | Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry

International energy institutions and renewable sources

1993, Renewable Energy
Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables

EC climate policy: where there’s a will…

1992, Energy Policy
Themes: Regional Studies | Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry
Journal Article

EC climate policy: where there’s a will…

1992, Energy Policy
Themes: Regional Studies | Carbon Pricing, Trade, and Industry
Journal Article

Energy policies and the greenhouse effect: A study of national differences

1991, Energy Policy
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics
Journal Article

The integration of renewable electricity sources

1991, Energy Policy
Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables
Journal Article

The value of variable sources on power systems

1991, IEE Proceedings
Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables

Pragmatics in the greenhouse

1991, Nature
Themes: International Processes
Book Review

The Greenhouse Effect: A Practical Guide to the World’s Changing Climate by Stewart Boyle and John Ardill

1990, Energy Policy
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics
Journal Article

The greenhouse effect: negotiating targets

1990, International Affairs
Themes: International Processes
Journal Article

Communication Energy efficiency and economic fallacies

1990, Energy Policy
Themes: The Big Picture and Special Topics
Journal Article

Wind Energy in the UK and Europe: How Much, How Fast?

1990, Energy Exploration & Exploitation
Themes: Electricity Markets and Renewables | Regional Studies