Michael Grubb


Climate change progress and Paradox

Climate change progress and Paradox

Despite scepticism, parts of the world have been making real progress on cutting emissions. But the latest push for carbon pricing has fallen flat. Its advocates need to learn from the accumulated evidence – and recalibrate fast.

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COPped out?  The Global Stocktake on Mitigation and and its implications

The Mitigation section of UEA Consensus on the Global Stocktake avoids the issue that should lie at the heart of a robust international agreement: what should be done if the “nationally determined” offers don’t add up to the agreed goals (they don’t – as acknowledged) and won’t (as is obvious). Understanding why is crucial for understanding what the COP can and cannot do – and hence the need to look beyond.

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Welcome to my Website

Welcome to my Website

Welcome to my website. I’ve worked on energy systems, economics & policy dimensions of climate change over decades. This site offers a gateway to the research, much of it...

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